Cisco ISR 4321 AX Bundle w/APP, SEC license
Cisco ISR 4321 Security Bundle w/SEC license
Cisco ISR 4321 UC Bundle, UC License
Cisco ISR 4321 VSEC Bundle, w/UC, SEC Lic, CUBE-10
ISR 4321 with 2 GE, 2 NIM, 4 GB FLASH, 4 GB DRAM
Cisco ISR 4331 AX Bundle w/APP, SEC license
Cisco ISR 4331 Security Bundle w/SEC license
Cisco ISR 4331 UC Bundle, PVDM4-32, UC License
Cisco ISR 4331 VSEC Bundle, PVDM4-32 w/UC, SEC Lic, CUBE-10
ISR4331/K9 router with Lifetime Warranty. 3 Gigabit Ethernet ports, 4 GB flash, 4 GB DRAM
Cisco ISR 4351 AX Bundle w/APP, SEC license
Cisco ISR 4351 Security Bundle w/SEC license
Cisco ISR 4351 UC Bundle, PVDM4-64, UC License
Cisco ISR 4351 VSEC Bundle, PVDM4-64 w/UC, SEC Lic, CUBE-25
ISR 4351 with 3 GE, 3 NIM, 2 SM, 4 GB FLASH, 4 GB DRAM